Recovery takes patience, commitment, and dedication. It is an ongoing journey to stay drug-free. You’ve come a long way; don’t let a one-off drink or drug veer you from your path. You might need to decline invitations to events if you don’t feel comfortable.
For some, staying sober forever is the only way to avoid relapsing. For others, sobriety can be flexible, and they can enjoy the occasional drink with friends or family. There are many possible reasons to stay sober, and you have to choose the one that works for you. It can range from getting sober for your health to getting sober for your family. As we said in the Army, “If it’s stupid but it works, it isn’t stupid.” That goes for addiction–it doesn’t matter why you get sober, only that you get and stay sober.
More Time.
You might stay sober for years and relapse following the sudden loss of a loved one. Other unexpected life events can cause a relapse, which might make recovery seem impossible.
Going to a 12-Step program or other support group offers encouragement and support for your long-term recovery. Many treatment centers encourage you to find a support group that will work reasons to stay sober for you. During group therapy, you get the benefits of support while getting professional help. However, group therapy is usually only temporary and not meant for lifetime support.
Questions About Treatment?
Addiction and mental health issues often come hand-in-hand. For example, those with depression often have lower levels of endorphins. Drugs help artificially boost endorphin levels for a short period, so addicts feel happy and calm. However, once the chemical levels of these hormones drop again, users feel depressed again. Drug abuse can have devastating effects on your mental health and disrupt your body’s natural hormone levels and cycles.
This can be anything from depression or anxiety to trauma and PTSD. I definitely got many benefits from quitting alcohol and s fit body, Better sleep and no blacking out and getting hurt or hurting those I love around me. But I can’t say my life got better, Health yes but mentally I wasn’t worse off but now i see myself as really boring.